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Buckrop & VanDeVelde, P.C. will happily accept monthly payments toward your bankruptcy filing. Upon payment of the initial retainer you may begin referring creditors to our office. We ask that you maintain communication with us or make a payment on a monthly basis. Once your fees have been paid in full we will prepare your case to be filed.

Bankruptcy Options

CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY — A Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows you to discharge all your debts with some exceptions. You do not make monthly payments in this type of bankruptcy. Instead of payments, only your non-exempt property (if any) is distributed to your creditors, and in exchange you emerge from bankruptcy debt-free. In the vast majority of Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases you are allowed to keep your home and vehicles as long as they fit within your allowed exemptions.

CHAPTER 13 BANKRUPTCY — A Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows you to discharge all your debts, even some debts that are not dischargeable in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Instead of losing your non-exempt property, you are allowed to retain it. You make monthly payments over a period of 36-60 months and you are allowed to retain your vehicle and home.

CHAPTER 11 BANKRUPTCY — A Chapter 11 bankruptcy is a reorganizational bankruptcy often associated with business. Although it is businesses that primarily file for Chapter 11 it is also available to individuals. A Chapter 11 is similar to a Chapter 13 in some ways and allows for a business to obtain a discharge of its debts while maintaining business and keeping property that otherwise may be lost. Individuals and small sole proprietorships are often able to reorganize under Chapter 13 which is a less expensive alternative.